Wednesday 10.26.2022

5 Minute Clock:
1000/800 Meter Row
AMRAP Box Jump Overs (24/20)
5-Minute Rest
5 Minute Clock:
Burpees to 6″ Target
5-Minute Rest
5 Minute Clock:
1000/800 Meter Row
AMRAP Wall Balls (20/14)
Nutrition of the Week:
Get movin’
This week’s focus is on our activity outside the gym-because let’s face it, although that hour is intense, it’s only one hour of our day. The rest of the day, we should be aiming for roughly 10,ooo total steps a day.
‘Steps’ can come from a variety of things and can include walking, easy biking or rowing, yard work, chasing after your kids, cleaning, etc. Basically, just keep moving throughout your day. Most of us have jobs that require us to be sitting for a large portion of our day and it can be useful to track your steps. You can track steps using a fitness watch or your phone. If you can’t track steps, you can set reminders for yourself at your computer or on your watch to get up every hour (if you’re drinking your water this is probably happening anyway, haha).
Delving deeper into the science behind getting your steps can help you understand why it’s so important. NEAT is the acronym that describes all the activities we do outside the gym. It stands for Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis. NEAT can help you move the dial on the scale during a fat loss phase without adding additional stress to the body, it can also help improve digestion and body composition during maintenance phases.
Ways to increase your steps:
Go for a walk after meals
Pace while you are on the phone
Walk yourself to a coworker’s office instead of emailing
Park further from the door when running errands
Take the stairs whenever possible