Wednesday 9.1.2021


Wednesday 9.1.2021


Deadlift – Week 5
Track A

4 @ 55% of 1RM
3 @ 65%
2 @ 75%
1 @ 80%
1 @ 86%
1 @ 92%
1 @ ???

Track B
Follow the same rep scheme as Track B but ignore the percentages. Go up based off feel and push to a 1RM with perfect form.

Pull-up + Push-up – Week 5
Track A

1 Set Each
Max Unbroken Pull-ups
Max Unbroken Push-ups
Rest as needed between exercises

Track B
3 Sets Each
Max Unbroken Pull-ups (hardest progression)
Max Unbroken Push-ups (hardest progression)
Rest as needed between exercises

Tomorrow’s Forecast:

Sit-ups – Run

Recovery of the Week:
We could all be better about stretching before or after our work day. Follow along with this quick 10 minute video to introduce more stretching into your life.