Refer A Friend

Invite A Friend To Check Us Out!

Wednesday 10.9.2024


“Travel Day”
For Time:
teams of 2
3500/3000 Meter Row
400 Meter Farmers Carry (53s/36s)
200 Sit-ups
150 Push-ups

Box Brief:
Bring A Friend Day is on Thursday!


Tuesday 10.8.2024

“Soda Pop”
21 Minute AMRAP:

5 Clean & Jerk (135/95) (115/85) (95/65)
10 Pull-ups
15 Box Jumps (24/20)
@ 7:00 Minutes
4 Clean & Jerks (165/115) (135/95) (115/85)
8 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
12 Box Jumps (24/20)
@ 14:00 Minutes
3 Clean & Jerks (185/135) (155/105) (135/95)
6 Bar Muscle-ups
9 Box Jumps (24/20)

Box Brief:
Tac Class is on Saturday at 10:30am. All experience levels are welcome.

Bring A Friend Day is on Thursday! 



Monday 10.7.2024

Every 4:00 for 3 Sets:
2 Pause Front Squats (:2 down) + Max Back Squats (:2 down)

3 Sets:

200 Meter Run
15 Russian Kettlebell Swings (53/36)
24/20 Calorie Row
12 Goblet Reverse Lunges (53/36)

Box Brief:
Tac Class is on Saturday at 10:30am. All experience levels are welcome. 

Bring A Friend Day is on Thursday!


Friday 10.4.2024

“Goat Day”
20 Minute EMOM:

Odd Minutes – Goat 1
Even Minutes – Goat 2


5 Rounds:
2 Minutes – Goat 1
2 Minutes – Goat 2

Box Brief:
Our last class on Friday night will be at 3:30 pm so we can set up for the Apollo Games. All other classes will run on schedule.


Thursday 10.3.2024

3 Sets:
6-8 Supinated Strict Pullup (:2 down)
12-15 Dual Dumbbell Bicep Curl (:2 down)
8-12 Pike Strict Handstand Push Up (:2 down)
Rest 90 Seconds

3 Sets:
6-8/side Alternating Dumbbell Bench Press (:2 down)
8-12 Strict Ring Dip (:2 down)
12-15 Dumbbell Upright Row (:2 down)
Rest 90 Seconds

“Funky Town”
8 Minute EMOM:

Minute 1 – :40 Seconds Max Double Unders
Minute 2 – :40 Seconds Max Burpee Pull-ups

Meme of the Week:


Wednesday 10.2.2024

Brent F

“Zone Out”
20 Minute AMRAP:

Max Meters
Every 4:00 starting at 0:00 complete 30 Sit-ups

Box Brief:
Apollo Games is on Saturday!!!! Remind your classes each day to come and support everyone competing. It will be a ton of fun with many athletes and vendors from all around the valley.

The volunteer meeting will be this Friday night at 6 pm.

Our last class on Friday night will be at 3:30 pm so we can set up for the Apollo Games. All other classes will run on schedule.


Tuesday 10.1.2024

“Vegas Strong”
For Time: teams of 2
Buy In – 91 Power snatch (75/55)
10 Rounds:
200 Meter team run
1 Rope climb
17 Thrusters (75/55)
Cash Out – 58 Synchronized burpees

Box Brief:
On October 1, 2017 a terrorist opened fire, from the Mandalay Bay, on civilians attending the Route 91 Festival here in Las Vegas, NV. This workout is in honor of those attending the concert, all the first responders and other heroes that saved so many lives, and the way our whole city banded together in support that night.