Refer A Friend

Invite A Friend To Check Us Out!

Friday 5.31.2024

20 Minute AMRAP:

1 Rope Climb
5 Burpees
200 Meter Run
Wear a weight vest (20/14 lb)

Box Brief:
U.S. Army 2nd Lt. Justin Sisson, 23, assigned to 1st Battalion, 506th Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division in Fort Campbell, Kentucky, died June 3, 2013, from wounds caused by a suicide bomber in Chamkani, Afghanistan.

Sisson is survived by his parents, Kevin and Phyllis; brother, Ryan; grandmothers, Judith Liming and Janis Beshoner; and numerous other friends and family members.


Thursday 5.30.2024

5 Rounds:

12 Deadlifts (155/105)
9 Hang Power Cleans (155/105)
6 Push Jerk (155/105)

Box Brief:
In honor of USAF SSgt Timothy P. Davis, 28, who was killed on Feburary, 20 2009 supporting operations in OEF when his vehicle was struck by an IED. Timothy is survived by his wife Megan and one-year old son T.J.


Tuesday 5.28.2024

25 Minute AMRAP:
teams of 2
30 Burpees
1000 Meter Row
30 Kettlebell Swings (70/53)

Box Brief:
This hero workout is dedicated to Master Police Officer Joseph Shinners, of the Provo Police Dept., who was shot and killed in Orem, Utah while attempting to arrest a wanted fugitive on January 5, 2019.

At the time of his death, Officer Shinners had served with the Provo Police Department for three years and was posthumously promoted to the rank of Master Police Officer. He is survived by his wife and young son.


Monday 5.27.2024

For Time:
1 mile Run
100 Pull-Ups
200 Push-Ups
300 Air Squats
1 mile Run
All with a Weight Vest (20/14 lb)

Box Brief:

In case you’re unfamiliar, “Murph” is a classic CrossFit workout known as a Hero WOD. Hero WOD’s are made by CrossFit to honor the men and women that have fallen in the line of duty. This one is specifically to honor Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, who was killed in action in Afghanistan on June 28th, 2005.

This workout itself was Michael’s favorite workout to do, which at the time referred to it as “Body Armor”, hence the 20 lb vest or body armor as part of the workout prescription. So, every year, CrossFitters synonymously around the world pay special tribute to Lieutenant Murphy by joining together and suffering through this workout.


Friday 5.24.2024


Single Arm Suitcase Deadlift
4 x 10 (each side)

9 Minute AMRAP

5 Cleans (185/126)
3 Shoulder to Overhead (185/125)
1 Rope Climb

Recipe of the Week:
This week we have a healthy alternative to traditional pasta bolognese. Try out this Sun-Dried Tomato Pesto Turkey Sausage Bolognese recipe!

2 Tbsp olive oil
1 12oz jar roasted red peppers coarsely chopped
2 Tbsp Italian Parsely coarsely chopped
2.5 Pounds Turkey or Chicken Sausage low sodium (hot or mild) REMOVE CASING
1 12oz jar/can Artichoke hearts drained and diced
1 8oz jar Sun-dried tomato pesto
1/2 tsp black pepper
1 5oz container plain Greek yogurt
4 oz Heavy whipping cream
4-6 garlic cloves finely chopped
2 Large tomatoes coarsely chopped

Remove sausage casing: Cut almost in half lengthwise (butterfly); turn sausage over and peel casing away.

Pre-heat large skillet with 2 tbsp of olive oil over medium heat and cook turkey sausage while breaking it apart. Drain excess grease and place meat back in pan.

Stir in garlic, peppers, tomatoes, pesto and artichokes. Cook approx. 3-4 minutes over medium heat.

In a separate bowl, mix the yogurt and heavy whipping cream. Add the liquid mix to the pan and stir over low-medium heat for approx 3-4 minutes or until thickens. Stir in pepper and parsley!

Serve over Spaghetti Squash! (Optional) sprinkle shredded Parmesan over top.


Thursday 5.23.2024

Brent F

“Lost Ark”
10 Rounds:
teams of 2
20 Goblet Squats (53/36)
30 Weighted Sit-ups (53/36)
40 Double Unders

Meme of the Week:


Wednesday 5.22.2024


For Time:

1000 Meter Run
50 Pull-ups
800 Meter Run
30 Toes to Bar
600 Meter Run
10 Ring Muscle-ups

Box Brief:
Bring A Friend Day is on Thursday!
