


May 28th, 2013

A) 3 Sets:

  • 20-Front Rack Step Ups (Moderate/Fast)
  • 30 Seconds Rest

B) 10 Minute AMRAP:

  • 50-Double Unders
  • 10-Burpees


Thanks to everyone that joined us Yesterday for our Memorial Day Murph!!

This weekend is Regionals!!! Here is the event schedule: http://games.crossfit.com/region/south-west/schedule

Go to Games.CrossFit.com to keep up with video updates and scores. Our team has been working hard year round for this coming weekend. Cheer them on and wish them luck!!!

We will be closed Friday and Saturday (May 31st-June 1st) because of Regionals. We will be back to a normal schedule starting June 3rd.