


August 9th, 2012

5 Rounds:

  • Back Squat (Body Weight)
  • Max Pull Ups

**3 Minute Break Between Rounds**

CrossFit Apollo Competition Saturday August 25th!!! There will be a $5 entry fee for membrers, $10 for non-members to cover prizes for the 3 male and 3 female winners. There are three different experience levels of competition so that everyone can participate.. We would like every single person in the gym to join the competition. It will be a potluck.

If you want to join in on the fun. You must RSVP before August 18th. Either come in and RSVP or email us at [email protected].


1 Response

  1. Ryan, I had my singlet all pcekid out too!425# my 1st crossfit total160, 70, 195. My previous DL was 160, so I’ll take that 35# PR. My summer goal is a 200# deadlift, but who knew those last 5 could feel so heavy?!Nice work at 6 am from Jon, Sean, Amy and Tracy!