Friday 3.17.2023

30 Minute AMRAP:
400 Meter Run
1 Rope Climb
20 Ring Push-ups
3 Deadlifts (heavy)
Box Brief:
Congrats to Marie for being the March Member of the Month at Apollo! Scroll down to learn more about Marie.

Congratulations on being the March Member of the Month! So often we find ourselves coming to the same class and seeing the same people. You’re an awesome person and we can’t wait to highlight you to the community as a whole. Let’s kick off the questions!
How long have you been doing CrossFit? What keeps you coming back for more?
I have been doing CrossFit for about 6 years total but just came back almost a year ago from a 5 year break. Some of the reasons I keep coming back are the benefits of challenging myself mentally and physically, I love to see the gains, and working out with a group is definitely more fun than when alone which I did on my 5 year hiatus.
We all remember what it was like to be new to CrossFit. What advice would you give to someone new to this training style?
Sometimes I still feel like I am new to CrossFit since I took such a long break and I would say that the advice I give myself and would give others is to focus on technique. It’s easy to get caught up on what weight you THINK you can pick up and put down but if you’re not doing it right, you’re cheating yourself from real gains. And listen to your body!
For those who may not know, you had a significant neck injury last year. What happened? And how has exercise helped the recovery process?
I was only one month back into CrossFit and finally getting into my groove when I was rear ended by a 2.5 ton dually truck. I suffered from herniated discs in my C6 and C7 along with major inflammation throughout my back. After the accident, I was out of the gym for over a month, it was painful, stressful, and very defeating. When I came back, there was so much I couldn’t do so we focused on the things I could. A lot of my movements were lighter but strict, slow, and controlled. Taking that route really helped me stay on track with recovery. I started moving better, feeling better, and actually getting stronger. I still have days where my neck bothers me but there is no way I would be where I am at now without the exercise and support from Apollo so thank you!
What is one thing most people at the gym wouldn’t know about you?
Geez… there’s a lot but let’s see, let me think of something not health/exercise related… I love to decorate, I love thrifting, antiquing, creating scenes throughout the home for everyday, the seasons, holidays. I enjoy helping my friends create spaces too!
If you had to make your perfect CrossFit workout, what would it be? Choose your answer carefully Haha.
I should probably try this before putting it out there:
5 – 10 – 15 Deadlift
15 – 10 – 5 Front Squat
Rest 2 mins then Max Goblet Squat (Heavy) in 60 secs
This is one of our favorite questions to ask. If you could sit down with any person in the world past or present, who would it be and why?
This one I thought about a lot, I kept wondering if my answer would change, maybe to be more interesting, lol, but I kept getting the same answer. It’s my mom, I lost her in 2017 and I would give anything to have just one more conversation with her.