Monday 12.11.2023


Monday 12.11.2023


Hang Clean + Split Jerk
Set 1-2 @75%
Set 3-4 @80%
Set 5-6 @85%

24 – 18 – 12 – 6

Calorie Row
Toes to Bar
12 – 9 – 6 – 3
Cleans (155/105)

Quote of the Week:
¨Exercise is king. Nutrition is queen. Put them together and you’ve got a kingdom.¨
Jack LaLanne

Box Brief:
Bring A Friend Day is on Thursday!

We only have one more week left in our Social Media Challenge. Remember, the gender who shares the least will have a torturous workout next on Saturday. Be sure to log your posts to the tracker on the whiteboard. Happy posting!

Weightlifting clinic is Saturday at 11 am with Coach Ricky. There are only 12 spots available so sign up fast! The cost is $20 (paid to Ricky).
