Thursday 2.6.2020

“Buckle Up”
5 Minute AMRAP:
60 Meter walking lunge
50 Sit-ups
Max calorie row
5-minute rest
5 Minute AMRAP:
40 Meter kettlebell walking lunge (53/36)
50 Sit-ups
Max calorie row
5-minute rest
5 Minute AMRAP:
20 Meter kettlebell walking lunge (53s/36s)
50 Sit-ups
Max calorie row
Tomorrow’s Forecast:
Friday’s workout calls for double unders, muscle-ups, shoulder to overhead, and kettlebell swings.
Throwback of the Week:
This lovely pic was taken during the 2014 South West Regionals. As you can see Chad is surrounded by his biggest fans and supporters. No babies were harmed in the making of this picture.