Thursday 7.14.2022

Every 90 Seconds for 15 Minutes:
1 Snatch Pull + 1 Snatch
4 Sets Not For Time:
Max Ring Dips
:30 Chinese Plank
Rest as needed between sets.
Tomorrow’s Forecast:
Row – Double Unders – Devil Press
Box Brief:
Come hang out with us on Saturday, the 16th at 11am for a BBQ, Games, and Rowing! We will have food, corn hole, knockout, and as much rowing as your heart desires to help us finish week one of the rowing challenge. All meters rowed during the BBQ will count as double meters towards the rowing challenge. However, YOU MUST DRESS IN YOUR TEAM COLOR to get double points. The predominant color of your clothes must be of your team’s color in order to qualify for double row meters. Have fun and show off some team pride!
Meme of the Week: