Tuesday 7.19.2022

“Fight or Flight”
20 Minute AMRAP:
Wall Balls (20/14)
KBS (53/36)
Your set of wall balls at the beginning of each round will determine how many KBS and sit-ups you must complete.
Tomorrow’s Forecast:
Cleans – Hand Release Push-ups – Box Jumps
Question of the Week:
Would you rather labor under a hot sun or extreme cold?
Box Brief:
Congrats to Jason for being the July Member of the Month at Apollo! Scroll down to learn more about Jason.

Mr. LaFancy,
It is our great pleasure that you’ve accepted our request to be Member of the Month. I know you aren’t much for the spotlight so now that we’ve got you, I’ll do my best to take advantage.
Man! O! Man! Thank you, Monica. I have to pay my respects and show my appreciation now, before I go any further, as I am sure Chad will have some say in these questions and my tone and vibe will likely change, the further we go. I have to say Apollo is truly my happy place. What you and Chad have built has had a major impact on my life. I am proud to be in the exclusive Ten-Year Member Club. So, I will start with a giant virtual embrace and a most sincere thank you. And here we go…
Let’s start with the basics. Where you from, wife, kids, job?
Right out of the gate I get to discuss all the things I am most proud of! I was born and raised right here in Vegas, and to show it, I wear Nevada pride shirts from my little sister’s business, WildisCalling.com (shameless plug – You’re welcome, Nat). I am married to the well-known and universally loved, radiant beauty, Brandi. If you don’t know her, try to, you won’t regret it. Just be ready to smile. We celebrated our 21st anniversary this year and we have three daughters: Paytyn (20), Pheebe (18) and Preslee (15). All have been, or currently are, Apollo members. You may have seen Preslee and I fight for that last place spot in the 2021 Apollo Games, while dressed as Las Vegas Raiders. And if you think you will take it from us this year, I wish you the best of luck.
I have been a detective with the Sex Crimes Unit of the LVMPD for about 20 years where I handle sexual assault and sexual abuse investigations. I love what I do for a living and sought out this profession. Yes, sometimes my life is like being in a movie or Law and Order SVU episode, just with a lot more paperwork than they show. Chad calls me a “Sex Detective” and I’m still not sure how I feel about that.
How/where do you most like to spend your vacation and why?
Because of my job, I have been fortunate enough to travel the world and experience a variety of places and culture. Even after all I have seen, I am still pulled back to my love of the ocean and a beach. Running along the surf with my daughters, snorkeling with my wife, playing catch in the sand with Chad, and drinking a beer while sitting on a chair watching the waves and sun; That is all I need and want.
After that, Iceland or Budapest.
I think the thing that stands out most about you, to me is your apparent acceptance and liking of everyone around you. Even in the worst cases, and you definitely see some troubled people in your work, you have a sense of charity toward them. I’ve never heard you say anything negative to or about anyone, (except Chad). 😊 What is the mindset or outlook that allows for that state of being?
First, thank you. That is the ultimate compliment.
Second, Chad brings it upon himself.
Third, from the thousands of interviews I have done, I have learned that you never know what someone has been through or what they are going through. I love getting to know people and learning their story. I sometimes worry that I ask too many questions of people and they feel like they are being interviewed, but it comes for a sincere place. We are all so unique, and who knows who just needs to hear “Hi” accompanied with a real smile.
Also, even after my saddest workday, I “reset” at Apollo (3:30 class!!!) and while whining about the warm-up and getting sweaty with my friends, I do not think about work for an hour. I can not emphasize enough how much my gym time helps. I also have a few close friends who I probably unload my work stories on too often and they carry some of my stress for me, but that is what clears my mind.
What thing are you so good at that you would like to see it in the Olympics where you would win a gold medal for sure?
Easiest question I have ever answered…Napping. This is not an exaggeration, I can fall asleep anywhere, anytime, and I do not need an alarm clock. I can wake up between 12-15 minutes later, without fail. I will be in a fantastic mood, I do not get groggy, and I can even sleep longer, if needed.
I could also probably medal in Big Lebowski trivia. I am a devout Dudeist and have an unhealthy obsession with the Dude, and the move as a whole.
Please note, the following questions are from Chad. :/
Jason, most men are embarrassed of balding. What gives you the confidence to show it off?
Balding? What are you talking about?
Brandi is a 10 and you’re a 4 in a dark room. How do you keep her around?
Believe it or not, this is not the first time I have been asked this question.
I can think of only three reasons: 1) We make some pretty intelligent and beautiful daughters. 2) My sick pickleball skills. 3) I can’t imagine anybody loving her more than I do.