Wednesday 1.10.2024

4 Sets:
6-8 Dumbbell Bench Press @ 8.5/10 RPE
10 T-Bar Row w/ Band @ 21X1
Core Finisher
3 Sets:
14 Kettlebell Pull Throughs
14 Tall Kneeling Kettlebell Around the Worlds
14 Kettlebell Flutter Kicks (2 count)
Box Brief:
Congrats to Andy for being the a January Member of the Month at Apollo! Scroll down to learn more about Andy.

Congrats on being the January Member of the Month! We couldn’t be more excited than to start a new year with you as our member spotlight. You have no idea the kind of power you yield as M.O.M. Given your title, what’s the first thing you want to change at Apollo?
I think Apollo or Chad should start an Instagram similar to Chefreactions where commentary is provided on our lifts, but in a hilarious way. It would be funny to watch and we might learn something. I think Chad would be well suited for this venture.
How did you get started in CrossFit and what keeps you coming back to Apollo?
I got started in CrossFit back in LA just before the pandemic. It was with a group of guys that we informally named the “Pain Gang” and we would come up with extremely stupid workouts. We still have an iMessage group even though we have all dispersed across the country.
I keep coming back to Apollo mostly because of the people. When I moved to Las Vegas to escape California, I literally knew nobody here. I was able to make lifelong friends at Apollo, which made the move to Vegas easy.
The 6:30 crew feels like a high school class with Wes trying to keep control. It is honestly one of the best parts of my day, and Apollo truly feels like a family to me.
What is the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you? Don’t hold back!
I had no idea until recently that “fire hydrants” were in reference to a dog peeing on a fire hydrant despite it being blatantly obvious based on the motion. I also don’t stretch at all which could explain my lack of knowledge.
I don’t get embarrassed that easily, so I can’t think of anything more entertaining for this question. My lack of flexibility or mobility is not embarrassing to me at all either.
You are one of our cardio freaks at Apollo. Have you always been so fit?
I ran cross country and track in high school and started doing triathlons in college. I kept up the fitness trend through law school and decided I wanted to get stronger, so I started doing CrossFit. I come from a family of fitness freaks. My mom still runs 5-7 miles every day, my dad is a cyclist, and my twin is essentially required to be fit for his job.
I do a 335 mile bike ride every year in October supporting an organization that helps disabled individuals do outdoor sports. Although it is not a race, the ride is the vacation I most look forward to every year and it supports an incredible organization. My dad has started to do the ride also and my mom volunteers with the support vehicles.
If you could create a class workout, what would it be?
I would do a longer workout that involved a moderately heavy clean and jerk, wall walks, running, and rope climbs.
7 rounds
10 clean and jerks
5 wall walks
3 rope climbs
400m run
Describe your absolute perfect day.
Starting with CrossFit of course, coached by Chad. The workout would be followed by a delicious buffet brunch and a hike to a lake or waterfall (somewhere cool). The day would end with a nice dinner in a picturesque location such as a lake or a beach.
Would you rather have, more time or more money? Why?
I think these are somewhat interchangeable because money can buy time, but I would rather have more time. I would rather spend more time with friends and family, doing things that I like to do. Money can come and go pretty easily, but time is a finite resource. This is coming from someone who manages a day in 6-minute increments.