Wednesday 10.19.2022

Split Jerk
Build to a heavy single
5 Sets:
:30 Chinese Plank
:30 Russian Twist
Nutrition of the Week:
Hey Guys! Let’s work on ways to build meals. We all know that we should be eating mostly whole foods and minimizing fast/processed foods. Each meal should consist of a PROTEIN+CARB+FAT. If you’re reading this and think, you that sounds great but how do I actually do this? I’m busy. I got you!
Pick a day of the week where you can make a list, do your grocery shopping (or insta cart) and then prep your food for the week (For me, this is on Sunday).
My grocery list for the week includes: eggs, frozen mixed berries, frozen broccoli, frozen green beans, chicken thighs, pork shoulder roast, sweet potatoes, spinach, baby carrots, green bell peppers, bananas, apples, peanut butter, whole grain bread, tortillas, rice, olive oil, applesauce squeeze packs and avocados.
When I get home from the store, I put the pork roast in the instant pot and cook it to be shredded. I put the chicken on the grill, and then come in and hard boil some eggs, start the rice and roast the sweet potatoes. Chop/slice the bell peppers. Once all of this is cooked and cooled, I prep out my lunches for the week into meal prep containers and store the rest in big containers in the fridge to pull from for dinners.
Breakfast -here’s some ideas:
Eggs+oatmeal+frozen raspberries
Eggs+avocado toast+apple slices
Eggs+spinach in a tortilla+banana
Hard boiled eggs+applesauce pack if I’m running late
Lunches are going to be either chicken thighs or shredded pork+rice/sweet potatoes+mashed avocado/olive oil-based salad dressing, with a banana/apple/applesauce pack.
This is where things get real. If you are a busy parent, work shifts, or maybe go to the gym in the evenings-this prep in the fridge will save you!
Chicken+rice+green beans with butter
Pork+sweet potatoes+broccoli+avocado slices
Car dinners/between activities dinners but can’t go home: Yes, this is a thing (get a cooler, it will save your life):
Make sandwiches to toss in the cooler with your chicken/pork+baby carrots+apple/banana/applesauce pack
Peanut butter on whole grain bread+baby carrots+applesauce
Pork and rice burrito+sliced bell peppers+apple
Snacks: grab and go from these items-things like apple/banana+peanut butter, avocado toast, hard boiled eggs, baby carrots, bell pepper slices, etc. The options and combinations for all meals and snacks is only limited by your imagination.