Wednesday 10.5.2022

“Cherry Pick”
5 Rounds:
5 Minute Run for Max Meters
90 Seconds Rest
Box Brief:
Congrats to Robbi for being the October Member of the Month at Apollo! Scroll down to learn more about Robbi.

Congratulations on becoming Member of the Month! You have been such a great part of the community since coming and we want to highlight your awesomeness. So, let’s get to know you a little better!
1) What was your first experience with CrossFit? What keeps you coming back for more?
Dang, that takes me back 11 years. I was living in Temecula, in the middle of all these horse ranches and wineries. And right in the middle of all that, there was a CrossFit gym that I drove by every day. One day, I rallied up the courage to walk in and try a class: 10 minutes of wall balls and rowing. It was awful! Not sure why I even went back. Maybe because it challenged me to learn things I’ve never done before. So, I decided to stay ‘till I learned it all. Well, here I am, still learning. And right now, I think I’m learning from some of the best, so thank you to Apollo for being great.
2) What is something member of the gym may not know about you?
Oh, I’m sure there a lot, just not anything too exciting. I used to compete in Olympic Lifting and Power Lifting. Lucky for me (because of my age…LOL!), I won every time. I even held a world record in AAU for a while. I took a break from competing so I could help my kids get through their sports and all the time & travel that goes with that, which I definitely don’t regret.
3) What are some of your favorite CrossFit movements? If you had to make your perfect workout, what would it be?
That’s easy! Snatch and Clean and Jerks a my faves, but really, anything with a barbell is cool. As for a workout of choice, Isabel, Grace or DT. Those are the workouts I love. But the reason I do CrossFit is because I’m forced out of my comfort zone. The workouts I don’t like usually benefit me the most, so it’s a balance.
4) We know you’re the mother of some awesome kids. Do you have any favorite parenting moments through the years?
My kids…my favorite topic! Okay, I have to say that next year, all 3 of my kids will be in college at the same time. Crazy.
Ian is my oldest. He’s 26, married, served in the Marine Corps, lives in Tennessee and now attends Univ. of Tenn.. But when he was a teenager.. Ugh! He was a difficult human; I never knew how he would turn out. So, when he was in boot camp, we received a letter he wrote in the dark on this tiny little piece of paper with crooked writing. He thanked us for being good parents, guiding him in the right direction and that he finally appreciated what we had done for him. Yeah, I’ll never throw that letter away.
Grant is 20. He’s in his first year of college in Texas, following his dream of playing football. He is my super-focused kid that pushes himself to get what he wants. My favorite moments with him are more like my most-memorable, not exactly “favorite”. Grant was my crazy kid who would bounce off walls and go full speed everywhere…including the E.R.. I can’t count how many times we ended up in the hospital with him. Some from football injuries, but some while jumping off walls with his cape and light saber or flying down a hill on his skateboard.
And then there’s Perri, 17. She’ll be playing volleyball in college next year. She’s been playing club volleyball for 8 years and I’ve been able to travel the U.S. with her. Those trips are my favorite moments. We explore, do spontaneous stuff, eat whatever fun food we want, and make our own adventures. I just love that she likes to hang out with me. She knows how to make me laugh and she gives me the best hugs and doesn’t care who sees it.
5) If you could sit down with anyone in the world, past, present, or fictional, who would it be?
Robin Williams. Nothing I love more than to laugh and I feel like I could get an incredible dose sitting across from him. Pretty sure I wouldn’t even have to contribute…he could do it all.
6) If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money?
My first instinct would be to buy a fast sports car with a manual transmission, something very impractical. Then I’d quickly realize the city streets aren’t fit for the way I’d want to drive that car. So instead, I’d give a good chunk to an organization called the Devil Pups. It’s a military, leadership-style boot camp for youth at Camp Pendleton. My oldest son went through it and 10 days there changed the trajectory of his life, in the best way possible. I’m thankful every day for that program. After that, I’d put my husband in charge of the rest because he’s way more responsible with money than I am. I’m sure some would end up in the bank and doing something for the less-fortunate.