Wednesday 11.1.2023


Wednesday 11.1.2023


24 Minute EMOM:
Minute 1 – 5 Bench Press
Minute 2 – 5-8 Strict Toes to Bar
Minute 3 – 15/12 Calorie Row
Minute 4 – Rest

Nutrition of the Week:
At this point, you have probably decided whether to go for a quick fat loss cycle or to stay in maintenance until after the holidays-if not, now is the time to decide! Whether you are going to go for fat loss or stay at maintenance-I encourage you to PRE PLAN your week of food. Preplanning is super important when it comes to staying in control of your nutrition either at a deficit, maintenance, or at a surplus. Sometimes, when we wing it, we can find ourselves way outside of where we want to be. This preplanning can look like making a list of dinners for the week and planning out what you’ll grab for lunch and breakfast each day. It can be as general or as specific as you like. If you are tracking macros, it’s best to pre plan your meals ahead of time in your macro tracker of choice. Make sure you have the food and snacks on hand and ready to go. The time to decide what to eat is not when you are starving and tired. Plan it out while you can make good decisions and then execute throughout the week! You’ve got this!