Wednesday 12.14.2022

Build to a heavy single
8 Minute Ladder: (2,4,6,8,10, etc…)
Bar Facing Burpees
2 Snatches @ 70-75% of today’s 1RM
Nutrition of the Week:
We have two and half weeks until the new year. This is the last opportunity you have to finish 2022 strong. It is so easy to just throw in the towel at this point in the year and say you will focus on starting fresh with your nutrition on Jan 1st, but that is a lot like saying AHH I’ll start on Monday.
You are better than that, your health is worth more than that. You can do the basics now (stay hydrated, eat your protein, sleep well) and still enjoy some holiday treats. Make a list of non-negotiables, things you will do for yourself between now and the end of the year NO MATTER WHAT.
For me, I am concentrating on getting good sleep, staying hydrated, and hitting my protein goal. I am also making memories with my kids-I see them growing up so fast and I don’t want to miss a single chance to bake with them, or watch movies and have popcorn. Life is short guys, find a way to make your nutrition sustainable so you can enjoy your life and take good care of your health.