Wednesday 8.16.2023

5 Rounds Not for Time:
3 Back Squat
:30 Chinese Plank
:20 Row Sprint
Nutrition of the Week:
What is your relationship with food? Some thought provoking questions to help guide your nutrition journey…
Is it fuel? Comfort? Is it a reward or a punishment? Celebration? A coping mechanism for stress?
Do you celebrate the end of a long week with pizza? Maybe some drinks? If you’ve had a rough day, do you reach for wine and chocolate? Do you reward your kids after sporting events with ice cream or milk shakes? When you eat, are you sitting down at the table, on the couch? Hiding? Do you serve yourself differently depending on what you’re eating (just a corner of a cookie)?
Food is central to our society. Our gatherings are often based around food and include recipes that have been in our families for generations. Sharing a meal with someone can be meaningful and further cement our bonds with others.
The landscape of food is littered with ideas: superfoods, good and bad foods, clean foods, health food, processed food, whole foods. It’s hard not to lose your mind over all this-especially since your experience with food begins with your family and how they approach mealtimes. Was your family eating structured or a free for all? What did your access to food look like? Open pantry, fridge stocked? Was there food scarcity? Were you told to ‘finish your plate’?
After exploring your answers to these questions, see if there are some roadblocks that may be holding you back from improving your nutrition based on your goals. This will take time, and small changes made are often more successful than a cold turkey overhaul.
HALT: Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired -this can be a way to identify your feelings prior to eating. Why are you reaching for food? Are you hungry? Or are you angry, lonely, or tired?