Wednesday 8.2.2023

“Hot Potato”
20 Minute AMRAP: teams of 2
Partner A – 200 Meter Run
Partner B – 3 Cleans (185/125)
6 Pull-ups
30 Double Unders
Nutrition of the Week:
It’s back to school time! At my house, that means we are focusing on adding in some more fruits and veggies to our diets. You gotta prep them though because life gets busy during the week!!! To give you an idea of what that looks like, the dinner menu for this week is:
Monday: Shrimp stir fry with rice noodles with side of raspberries
Tuesday: Chicken and Ground Beef Tacos with black beans and sliced bell peppers
Wednesday: Chicken thighs (boneless, skinless) over salad with side of watermelon
Thursday: leftovers served with sliced cucumbers and blueberries
Friday: Make your own pizzas with chopped veggies, served with leftover melon and berries
Saturday: Green Chicken curry with rice, served with cherries, bell peppers, and cucumbers
On Sunday, I went shopping and prepped the proteins (air fryer for the shrimp and grill for the chicken breasts and thighs. Then since I wasn’t super organized, I went to the store on Monday and got my fruits and vegetables. When I got home Monday, I prepped the fruits by washing and portioning them into containers I can set out on the table during meals. For the veggies, I sliced the bell peppers and cucumbers. For the stir fry, I used a bag of frozen veggies. Then on Monday, all I had to do was boil the noodles and stir fry the veggies, add in the cooked shrimp. Tonight, I’ll chop the chicken and season the ground beef so we can have a mix of tacos, heat the black beans and serve with the sliced peppers. Wednesday night I will throw together a quick salad with some romaine, sliced veggies, and chicken thighs. Thursday-it’s clean the fridge night. Friday will be a make your own pizza with the stuff we didn’t clean out the night before. Saturday since I have time to cook, I’ll make the Green Curry and cook rice specifically for that meal. Sunday we start all over again! Have a great week : -)