Wednesday 9.21.2022

“Power Wash”
5 Minute AMRAP:
100 Meter Run
3 Power Cleans @75% of 1RM
5 Minute Rest
5 Minute AMRAP:
100 Meter Run
2 Power Cleans @85% of 1RM
5 Minute Rest
5 Minute AMRAP:
100 Meter Run
1 Power Clean @ 90% of 1RM
Box Brief:
This Saturday at 10:30am we’ll be doing our monthly suckfest workout! This is not a class, just an opportunity to get together as a community as suffer through a harder than usual workout. This month’s workout is Barbara Ann. We hope to see you there!
Recovery of the Week:
This is the perfect video for those dealing with tightness in the hips. Follow along a reap the benefits!