Wednesday 9.28.2022

“The Bees Knees”
24 Minute AMRAP: teams of 2
12 Power Snatches (115/80)
24 Knee to Elbows
48 Russian Kettlebell Swings (72/53)
96 Double Unders
Apollo Games Nutrition Preparation:
PRE and POST workout nutrition!
We all want to perform our best-whether it’s our first day in the gym or we’ve been at the top of the leaderboard for years. Other than sleep, hydration, and getting enough protein, another way to enhance your performance is by dialing in your pre and post workout nutrition. The time of day that you work out is a factor, but in general, you should be eating a protein+carb, lower in fat and fiber meal or snack PRIOR to your workout and then if you aren’t able to eat a meal containing protein, carbs, and fats soon after training, hit a protein shake and some carbs(Ignition, banana, etc). As crossfitters, most of our workouts are pretty short, but if you find yourself doing more than one workout in a day, you should definitely be fueling for that effort. Between workouts or even during workouts, you want to seek out easily digestible carbs that don’t bother your stomach-this is highly individual and you should PRACTICE THIS to find out what works for you. No one wants an accident or GI issues on competition day. Some ideas for easy to digest carbs are baby food style squeeze packs like Fuel For Fire, fresh fruit, gels like Gu (come with or without caffeine), Clif bloks, drink mixes like Tailwind, Intraformance from 1st Phorm, etc. Tons of options here, so if something doesn’t sit well, experiment with something that you are used to eating and see how that goes. Stay tuned for next week on what to pack in your bag for a day of competition 🙂