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Tuesday 3.18.2025

“Double Knot”
10 Rounds:
teams of 2
100 Meter Row
8 Toes to Bar
4 Front Squats (155/105)
10 Rounds:
100 Meter Row
2 Ring Muscle-ups
4 Front Rack Lunges (155/105)

Box Brief:
The CrossFit Open may be over but we are not finished with our in-house Open team competition.

This Saturday the 23rd will be the finale where teams will compete for The Apollo Open Championship!

There will be one class at 8:30. The finale of events for the Open will begin at 10:00. They will include:

A pot luck with silent & anonymous voting for best dish. Points for 1st 2nd & 3rd
A Pickleball tournament with each team offering up 2 teams of 2 to compete. That’s an 8 team bracket with points awarded for 1st, 2nd & 3rd.
Teams rowing 10,000 meters in 250m increments then shoot several targets with a nerf gun. They will do 5 burpees for each miss before the other can get on the rower.
Points for 1st, 2nd & 3rd for each of the 3 categories mentioned above.

1st = 30 pts

2nd = 20 pts

3rd = 10 pts

Teams will also receive a point for each team member in attendance and another point for wearing your team color.

See you there!


Monday 3.17.2025

20 Minute AMRAP:

10 Push-ups
200 Meter Run
30 Sit-ups
40 Double Unders


“Open WOD 24.3”
For Time:

5 Wall Walks
50 Calorie Row
5 Wall Walks
25 Deadlifts (225/155)
5 Wall Walks
25 Cleans (135/85)
5 Wall Walks
25 Snatches (95/65)
5 Wall Walks
50 Calorie Row
Time cap: 20 minutes

Box Brief:
The CrossFit Open may be over but we are not finished with our in-house Open team competition.

This Saturday the 23rd will be the finale where teams will compete for The Apollo Open Championship!

There will be one class at 8:30. The finale of events for the Open will begin at 10:00. They will include:

A pot luck with silent & anonymous voting for best dish. Points for 1st 2nd & 3rd
A Pickleball tournament with each team offering up 2 teams of 2 to compete. That’s an 8 team bracket with points awarded for 1st, 2nd & 3rd.
Teams rowing 10,000 meters in 250m increments then shoot several targets with a nerf gun. They will do 5 burpees for each miss before the other can get on the rower.
Points for 1st, 2nd & 3rd for each of the 3 categories mentioned above.

1st = 30 pts

2nd = 20 pts

3rd = 10 pts

Teams will also receive a point for each team member in attendance and another point for wearing your team color.

See you there!


Thursday 3.13.2025


“Goat Day”
20 Minute EMOM:

Odd Minutes – Goat 1
Even Minutes – Goat 2


“Final Countdown”
20 Minute AMRAP:

20 Sit-ups
15/12 Calorie Row
15 Kettlebell Swings (53/36)
200 Meter Run

Meme of the Week:


Wednesday 3.12.2025

For Time:

100 Wall Balls (20/14)
100 Shuttle Runs
80 Ring Dips

Open Schedule

Thursday – Goat Day 

Friday – The Open workout will be programmed. All morning classes and open gym will run normally. All night classes will be canceled to make way for Friday Night Lights. 

We will have heats starting every 30 minutes beginning at 3:30 pm with the final heat starting at 7:30 pm. 

Back because of popular demand, we are going to do a CrossFit kids heat at 4:45pm. We welcome all kids from the ages 3-9 to participate. Kids do NOT already have to be an active member in our kids program. Any parents who want their children to participate, please arrive at Apollo by 4:30pm to practice and go over the structure of the modified workout. 

Our main event will kick off at 5pm with several unique challenges for teams to earn extra points for their teams. You will definitely NOT want to miss it! 

Saturday –  Normal classes at 8:30 and 9:30 am. There will be NO Open workouts done at this time. 

Sunday – Closed

Monday – Two workouts will be programmed for athletes to choose from. Option A is The Open workout. Option B is another workout with a similar time domain.


Tuesday 3.11.2025


5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1

3 Rounds:
50 Foot Suitcase Carry (left)
50 Foot Suitcase Carry (right)

Open Schedule

Thursday – Goat Day 

Friday – The Open workout will be programmed. All morning classes and open gym will run normally. All night classes will be canceled to make way for Friday Night Lights. 

We will have heats starting every 30 minutes beginning at 3:30 pm with the final heat starting at 7:30 pm. 

Back because of popular demand, we are going to do a CrossFit kids heat at 4:45pm. We welcome all kids from the ages 3-9 to participate. Kids do NOT already have to be an active member in our kids program. Any parents who want their children to participate, please arrive at Apollo by 4:30pm to practice and go over the structure of the modified workout. 

Our main event will kick off at 5pm with several unique challenges for teams to earn extra points for their teams. You will definitely NOT want to miss it! 

Saturday –  Normal classes at 8:30 and 9:30 am. There will be NO Open workouts done at this time. 

Sunday – Closed

Monday – Two workouts will be programmed for athletes to choose from. Option A is The Open workout. Option B is another workout with a similar time domain.


Monday 3.10.2025


“Logistics Dude”
20 Minute AMRAP:
teams of 2
100 Meter Run
10 Dumbbell Push Press (50’s/35’s)
10 V-ups


“Open WOD 25.2”
For Time:

21 Pull-ups
42 Double Unders
21 Thrusters (95/65)
18 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
36 Double Unders
18 Thrusters (115/75)
15 Bar Muscle-ups
30 Double Unders
15 Thrusters (135/95)

Quote of the Week:
“If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.”
Albert Einstein

Open Schedule

Thursday – Goat Day 

Friday – The Open workout will be programmed. All morning classes and open gym will run normally. All night classes will be canceled to make way for Friday Night Lights. 

We will have heats starting every 30 minutes beginning at 3:30 pm with the final heat starting at 7:30 pm. 

Back because of popular demand, we are going to do a CrossFit kids heat at 4:45pm. We welcome all kids from the ages 3-9 to participate. Kids do NOT already have to be an active member in our kids program. Any parents who want their children to participate, please arrive at Apollo by 4:30pm to practice and go over the structure of the modified workout. 

Our main event will kick off at 5pm with several unique challenges for teams to earn extra points for their teams. You will definitely NOT want to miss it! 

Saturday –  Normal classes at 8:30 and 9:30 am. There will be NO Open workouts done at this time. 

Sunday – Closed

Monday – Two workouts will be programmed for athletes to choose from. Option A is The Open workout. Option B is another workout with a similar time domain.


Friday 3.7.2025


“Open WOD 25.2”
For Time:

21 Pull-ups
42 Double Unders
21 Thrusters (95/65)
18 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
36 Double Unders
18 Thrusters (115/75)
15 Bar Muscle-ups
30 Double Unders
15 Thrusters (135/95)

Box Brief:
Members of the Month are back! And we want to congratulate Caitlin for being the March Member of the Month at Apollo! Scroll down to learn more about Caitlin.

Thank you for agreeing to be Apollo’s first member of the month in 2025.  We’d like to thank you in advance for helping us see into your soul 😉 and learn what makes you tick.  So here we go. (Interviewed my Monica so you read the question in her voice).

From where do you hail (grew up) and what did you love about your childhood.
I grew up in chalmette, Louisiana. A small town About ten minutes east of New Orleans. My favorite thing about my childhood is Mardi Gras! Yes, in the outskirts it’s a very family friendly holiday 😂 I grew up marching in parades with school teams and just going to parades with family and KING CAKE! 🙂 It’s definitely something I miss dearly since moving away and wish my kids could experience it regularly.  

You are a military spouse aka the unsung heroes of our armed forces.  Thank you for all you do.  Where has been your favorite deployment (duty station?) 
My personal favorite station has been RAF Lakenheath in England. Despite our only full year there being 2020, we fully immersed ourselves into the culture and did as much traveling as allowed. I loved the slow pace of life and the focus on family time there (almost our whole little town closed at 3pm every Sunday)  Second favorite would be Vegas. 😉

You have really evolved in mind and body over the years.  You are committed and you make the time to care for your health.  What has been the most valuable part of your journey and how do you stay so motivated?
I’ve worked out for as long as I can remember, I was an active kid and stayed active into adulthood. Finding CrossFit 2.5 years ago changed so much of how I look at it. I’m working out to carry my toddlers, or to know that I’m strong enough to help them if need be, or to haul literally all of our stuff and ourselves to different states. (Lol)  My most favorite skill is to bring in all of the groceries in one trip. CrossFit has changed my mindset of wanting to be thin, to wanting to be strong and functional. It also offers a community that holds me accountable which is the MOST valuable to me. 

We know you’ve got a great husband and 4 beautiful children. What are a couple things about you that would surprise most of us? 
Aside from CrossFit and being a stay at home mom to 4 kids, I teach dance on Saturdays to babies ages 18 mos up to kids age 12. Ballet, jazz and hip hop! If I ever have any free time, I love to crochet.  I used to sell some of my creations. 

Final Question: You are stranded for 10 years somewhere. Think, Gilligans island. Where would you like to be stranded and pick 2 people alive or dead to be stranded with?  You can’t pick anyone you currently know. Where and who?
I’d love to be stranded anywhere tropical. Maybe the Bahamas. If it can’t be anyone I currently know, I’d choose Lindsey Stirling to play music for me, and Lisa jewell (my favorite author) to keep me entertained. :). 


Thursday 3.6.2025


“Goat Day”
20 Minute EMOM:

Odd Minutes – Goat 1
Even Minutes – Goat 2


“Office Day”
20 Minute EMOM:

Minute 1 – :20 Second L-Sit
Minute 2 – 18/15 Calorie Row

Meme of the Week: