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Thursday 5.9.2024


“Game Show”
22 Minute AMRAP:
teams of 2
Ring Dips = 1 point
Box Jumps = 1 point
Toes to Bar = 1 point
Calorie Row = 1 point
Calorie Bike = 2 points
Ski Erg = 2 points
Front Squat (95/65) = 1 point
Push Jerk (95/65) = 1 point
Thrusters (95/65) = 2 points

Meme of the Week:


Wednesday 5.8.2024


“Party City”
20 Minute AMRAP:

10 Hang Power Snatches (95/65)
200 Meter Run
30 Sit-ups
4 Rope Climbs
50 Double Unders

Box Brief:
Summer programs are here! Starting June 3rd, we are adding classes for toddlers, kids, pre-teens, teens, and teens barbell. Send us an email at [email protected] if you’re interested. 


Tuesday 5.7.2024

Chad & Joe

Back Squats
Build to a heavy set of 2
5 Reps @ 85% of you heaviest set of 3

Bench Press
Build to a heavy set of 2
5 Reps @ 85% of you heaviest set of 2

Box Brief:
Congrats to Cheryl for being the May Member of the Month at Apollo! Scroll down to learn more about Cheryl.


Congratulations on being the April Member of the Month! So often we find ourselves coming to the same class and seeing the same people. You’re an awesome person and we can’t wait to highlight you to the community as a whole. Let’s kick off the questions!

How long have you been doing CrossFit? What keeps you coming back for more?
I’ve been doing Crossfit for over 8 years, starting when I lived in NJ. What keeps me coming back is the variety of the workouts and the supportive people you get to meet while doing it.

We all remember what it was like to be new to CrossFit. What advice would you give to someone new to this training style?
That we all remember what it was like to be new to Crossfit – it’s okay to be nervous, it’s okay to be ‘last’ in the workout, and it’s okay to ask questions.

We know you’ve lived in several different locations over the years. What area has been your favorite and why?
I enjoyed my time living in Philly – it’s a walkable city and has a lot of the things that I enjoy readily available: good food, art, and music.

What is one thing most people at the gym wouldn’t know about you?
My first tattoo is of a Shel Silverstein drawing from his books of poetry I used to read as a kid.

If you had to make your perfect CrossFit workout, what would it be? Choose your answer carefully Haha.
Jump rope (usually SU), heavy low rep power cleans, and KBS. I prefer AMRAPs or workout with a time cap.

This is one of our favorite questions to ask. If you could sit down with any person in the world past or present, who would it be and why?
Stephen King, he’s always been one of my favorite and go-to authors since I got into reading when I was younger.


Monday 5.6.2024

Kira & Taylor

“Lawn Mower”
10 Rounds:

10 Push Press (95/65)
5 Burpee Pull-ups

5 Sets:
Max Pull-up Negatives (3 seconds down)

Quote of the Week:
“The groundwork for all happiness is good health.”
Leigh Huntfs

Box Brief:
Summer programs are here! Starting June 3rd, we are adding classes for toddlers, kids, pre-teens, teens, and teens barbell. Send us an email at [email protected] if you’re interested. 

Tactical Class is on Saturday at 10:30am. All experience levels are welcome!


Friday 5.3.2024


“Grunt Work”
For Time:

800 Meter Run
3000/2100 lbs Clean
800 Meter Run
2000/1400 lbs Clean
800 Meter Run
1000/700 lbs Clean

Recipe of the Week:
Variety is king in the kitchen! Try out a fresh way to make breakfast with this video below.


Thursday 5.2.2024


“Fly Away”
16 Minute AMRAP:

4 Shuttle Runs
8 V-Ups
12 Box Jumps (24/20)
16 Alternating Hang Dumbbell Snatches (50/35)

4 Sets:
Max Pull-up Negatives (3 seconds down)

Meme of the Week:


Wednesday 5.1.2024

Dead Stop Deadlifts
Build to a heavy set of 3
5 Reps @ 90% of you heaviest set of 3

Bench Press
Build to a heavy set of 3
5 Reps @ 90% of you heaviest set of 3

Box Brief:
Comp Class is on Saturday at 10:30am. All experience levels are welcome!

Upcoming dates to save in your calendar:

  • 12-Week Strength Program starts tomorrow. This will be for back squat, bench press, and deadlift.
  • Lift Off and BBQ is on July 20th.
  • Hell Week starts on May 27th and finishes with a BBQ and final hero workout on June 1st.
  • The next four Comp Classes will be on 5/4, 5/18, 6/15, and 6/29, all starting at 10:30am.
  • Apollo Games is on October 5th. More information to come.

    Tuesday 4.30.2024

    For Time:

    50/45 Calorie Row
    40 Burpees
    30 Handstand Push-ups
    100 Double Unders
    10 Bar Muscle-ups
    100 Double Unders
    30 Handstand Push-ups
    40 Burpees
    50/45 Calories Row

    Box Brief:
    Summer programs are here! Starting June 3rd, we are adding classes for toddlers, kids, pre-teens, teens, and teens barbell. Send us an email at [email protected] if you’re interested.