Refer A Friend

Invite A Friend To Check Us Out!

June 23rd, 2015

20 Minute AMRAP:

  • 2-Rope Climbs
  • 10-Ring Dips
  • 20-Pass Throughs



  1. This coming Saturday at 7am we will be meeting at Boulder beach to do an open water swim. It would be great if we can get a big group out there. Who’s in?!
  2. This Thursday night at 6:30pm we are hosting another weightlifting class with Ricky. This means our 6:30&7:30pm classes will be cancelled this Thursday. Sign up sheet will be on the whiteboard. First pay, first reserved. 

June 22nd, 2015

Teams of 3

7 Minute AMRAP: Strict Press

  • 50@(95/65)
  • 50@(115/80)
  • Max Reps (135/95)

*3 minute rest

7 Minute AMRAP: Front Rack Walking Lunge

  • 50@(115/80)
  • 50@(135/95)
  • Max Reps (155/105)

*3 minute rest

7 Minute AMRAP: Burpees to a 6″ Target



  1. This coming Saturday at 7am we will be meeting at Boulder beach to do an open water swim. It would be great if we can get a big group out there. Who’s in?!
  2. This Thursday night at 6:30pm we are hosting another weightlifting class with Ricky. This means our 6:30&7:30pm classes will be cancelled this Thursday. Sign up sheet will be on the whiteboard. First pay, first reserved. 

June 17th, 2015

“Fight Gone Bad”

3 Rounds: 1 Minute at each station

  • Wall Balls (20/14)
  • SDLHP (75/55)
  • Box Jumps (20/20)
  • Push Press (75/55)
  • Row for Calories


June 15th, 2015

12 Minute Ladder: (3-6-9-12-15-18-etc…)

  • Dead lift (135/95)
  • Front Squat (135/95)
  • Shoulder to Overhead (135/95)



June 12th, 2015

Teams of 3

7 Minute AMRAP: 

  • T2B

**3 Minute Rest

7 Minute AMRAP: Hang Power Clean

  • (135/95)
  • (165/115)
  • Max Reps (185/135)

**3 Minute Rest

7 Minute AMRAP: 

  • Strict Pull-Ups


  1. Saturday class schedule will now change to 9am and 10am.