9 Jul /0 Comments/WODS & NEWS 7-10-2014 July 10th, 2014 A) 10 minutes to find 1RM Hanging Snatch B) (more…)
8 Jul /0 Comments/WODS & NEWS 7-9-2014 July 9th, 2014 6 Minute AMRAP: 10-Thrusters (135/95) 20-C2B (more…)
7 Jul /0 Comments/WODS & NEWS 7-8-2014 July 8th, 2014 5 Rounds: 10-Power Cleans (135/95) 10-Box (more…)
6 Jul /0 Comments/WODS & NEWS 7-7-2014 July 7th, 2014 A) ME Back Squat @80% of 1RM B) 4 Rounds (more…)
30 Jun /0 Comments/WODS & NEWS 7-2-2014 July 2nd, 2014 A) 30-20-10 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20) DeadLifts (more…)
30 Jun /0 Comments/WODS & NEWS 7-1-2014 July 1st, 2014 4 Rounds: 4 Minute AMRAP: 30-KBS (72/53) 30-SDLHP (more…)