Friday 12.6.2024

Single Arm Dumbbell Bench Press
3 x 10 (each side)
For Time:
75 Handstand Push-ups
400 Double Unders
Recipe of the Week:
This recipe is always a hit! Give it a try next week!
Single Arm Dumbbell Bench Press
3 x 10 (each side)
For Time:
75 Handstand Push-ups
400 Double Unders
Recipe of the Week:
This recipe is always a hit! Give it a try next week!
Hang Power Snatch: teams of 2
In 15 Minutes, Build to Heavy@20:00 Minutes
For Time: teams of 2
60 Snatches (135/95)
60 Clean & Jerks (135/95)
Box Brief:
Christmas is right around the corner! Join us on December 7th for our Holiday Party as we bring in the cheer.
Holiday Sale goes all week on supplements and t-shirts off the rack!
Free injury screens with Pillar Kinetic on December 4th.
4, 5 Minute AMRAPs:
Row for Meters
5- Minute Rest
Box Brief:
Christmas is right around the corner! Join us on December 7th for our Holiday Party as we bring in the cheer.
Holiday Sale goes all week on supplements and t-shirts off the rack!
Free injury screens with Pillar Kinetic on December 4th.
Bulgarian Split Squat
3 x 10 (each side)
12 Minute AMRAP:
12 Kettlebell Swings (53/36)
12 Goblet Squats (53/36)
12 Single-arm Kettlebell Push Press (53/36) (6/side)
Box Brief:
Christmas is right around the corner! Join us on December 7th for our Holiday Party as we bring in the cheer.
Holiday Sale goes all week on supplements and t-shirts off the rack!
Free injury screens with Pillar Kinetic on December 4th.
10 Minute Clock:
1 Mile Run
Max Rope Climbs
3-Minute Rest
6 Minute Clock:
800 Meter Run
Max Box Jumps (24/20)
3-Minute Rest
4 Minute Clock:
400 Meter Run
Max Ring Dips
Quote of the Week:
“A man travels the world over in search of what he needs, and returns home to find it.”
George A. Moore
Box Brief:
Christmas is right around the corner! Join us on December 7th for our Holiday Party as we bring in the cheer.
Holiday Sale goes all week on supplements and t-shirts off the rack!
Free injury screens with Pillar Kinetic on December 4th.
“Turkey WOD”
40 Minute AMRAP: teams of 3
Athlete 1 – 800 Meter Run w/wall ball (20/14) = 25pts
Athlete 2 – Gymnastics
Athletes 3 – Barbell
20 Sit-ups = 2pts
1 Rope Climb = 5pts
8 Pull-ups = 5pts
15 Push-ups = 5pts
20 KBS = 10pts
30 Air Squats = 10pts
Deadlift (95/65) = 1pt
Power Clean (95/65) = 2pts
C&J/Snatch (95/65) = 3pts
Thruster (95/65) = 3pts
Box Brief:
We just want to take a minute to say thank you—from the bottom of our hearts. You all make this place so much more than just a gym. It’s a community, a family, a place where we push each other to be better, stronger, and tougher, inside and outside the gym.
Whether you’re hitting personal records, helping a friend through a tough WOD, or just showing up with that positive energy, you’re what makes CrossFit Apollo so special. The hard work and dedication you bring every day inspire us all, and we’re seriously so grateful for each one of you.
This Thanksgiving, we’re thankful for the laughs, the grind, and the camaraderie we share. It’s truly an honor to be part of this journey with you.
Wishing you all a Thanksgiving full of good food, great company, and a well-deserved break. You’ve earned it!
“Earn Dinner”
5, 3 Minute AMRAPs:
20/16 Calorie Row
20 Shuttle Runs
Max Burpees
Rest 3-mintues
Push Press
5 x 3
“Death by Chest Pump”
Death by Push-ups
Max Double Unders