

Tuesday 9.28.2021

“Final Check”18 Minute AMRAP:15/12 Calorie Row3 Wall Climbs50 Double Unders:30 L-Sit Tomorrow’s Forecast:Run – Cleans Question of the Week:What’s the best television show of all...
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Monday 9.27.2021

“Simple Enough”50 – 40 – 30 – 20 – 10Kettlebell Swings (53/36)Kettlebell Lunges (53/36) Tomorrow’s Forecast:Row – Wall Climbs – Double Unders – L-Sit Quote...
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Friday 9.24.2021

“Cram-Berry”7 Minute AMRAP:8 Thrusters (115/85)6 Bar Facing Burpees4 Bar Muscle-ups3-minute rest 7 Minute AMRAP:8 Power Snatch (115/85)6 Bar Facing Burpees4 Bar Muscle-ups Recipe of the...
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Thursday 9.23.2021

“BFF”20 Minute AMRAP: teams of 2Partner A – 200 Meter RunPartner B – AMRAPSit-upsPush-upsBox Jumps (24/20) Tomorrow’s Forecast:Thrusters – Burpees – Muscle-ups Meme of the...
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Tuesday 9.21.2021

“Uplifting”15 Minute Ladder:2 Devil Presses (35s/25s)4 Dumbbell Step-ups (35s/25s) (24/20)6 Pull-ups4 Devil Presses8 Dumbbell Step-ups12 Pull-ups6 Devil Presses12 Dumbbell Step-ups18 Pull-upsEtc…Keep adding 2, 4 &...
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Friday 9.17.2021

“Sumo”20 Minute AMRAP:3 Wall Climbs9 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (72/53)16 Meter Kettlebell Lunge (72/53) Box Brief:Weightlifting clinic is Saturday at 11 am with Coach Ricky....
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