Monday 5.9.2022

4 Rounds:
1 Minute – Bike / Row for Calories
1 Minute – Hollow Rocks
1 Minute – Russian Kettlebell Swings (72/53)
1 Minute – Dumbbell Step-ups (50/35) (24/20)
1 Minute – Rest
Tomorrow’s Forecast:
Double Unders – Push Press – Gymnastics
Quote of the Week:
“The only impossible journey is the one you never begin.”
Tony Robbins
Box Brief:
Hell Week is coming.
Congrats to Joel for being the May Member of the Month at Apollo! Scroll down to learn more about Joel.

Congratulations on your selection as Member of the Month! You’ve been a part of this community for a very long time, and we can’t wait to highlight you to the whole gym. Let the questions begin!
How long have you been doing CrossFit? What made you come to Apollo?
I’ve been doing CrossFit 10.5 years, Since thanksgiving 2011, couldn’t walk for 3 days after my first wod, and couldn’t wait to get back. The thing that made me come to Apollo, I had a few friends that used to be members here, but in all honesty at that time I lived closer. Plus all world Chad Cole was going to the games!!!
Do you have any advice for those that are new to CrossFit?
My advice for those new to CrossFit? This is a tough one for me to answer just because I am so competitive. CrossFit is very humbling to say the least. But for new people, my advice has always been, just be the best version of yourself on a daily basis, and work hard. That is one thing I always tell my kids, just do the best that you can, and nobody will ever 2nd guess your effort.
There will be things you are good at and things that you aren’t, and that is ok. We are like a family and help each other. I could go on and on, but I’ll keep it short.
We know you played sports in college. What and where did you play? What was that experience like?
I attended what was then called Mesa State college (Grand junction, CO.) it is now called Colorado Mesa University. I played football, I was a cornerback/wide receiver.
Playing football there, really taught me the value of hard work (even though I already had a good work ethic) I was a walk on and had no expectations coming in. After 2 years of working hard I earned a scholarship and had broken 4 of the workout records, and even out squatted (for reps) a teammate that ended up in the NFL. I actually had chosen that school to play baseball, but ended up not playing because of the success I was having in football.
We just wanted to congratulate you and Yesenia on buying a house! What is your favorite part about being a homeowner?
As fast as the house, thank you, we could not be happier!! My favorite part of owning a home….it’s a feeling that is hard to put into words. Just, “this is ours,” moving in (as crazy as it sounds) was so exhilarating, she thought I was crazy for being so excited about moving. The process of making it our own place is so fulfilling. I’m really looking forward to decorating for the holidays!!!
If you had to make your perfect CrossFit workout, what would it be? Careful Chad might use it.
What if I want Chad to program my ideal workout? But designing a workout takes special design, I am not sure I could design one, but I do have a love for hero wods and the meanings behind each and everyone of them. But one of the ones I have always wanted to try is called “The Seven,” because that is my number.
Now for a goofy question. If you could sit down with any person in the world past or present, who would it be and why?
If I could sit down with down with anyone in the world Arnold!! That man had a mental toughness and determination like no other. I mean he came to this country with nothing, couldn’t even speak English, and look what he has accomplished.