Thursday 11.25.2021

“Turkey WOD”
40 Minute AMRAP: teams of 3
Athlete 1 – 800 Meter Run w/wall ball (20/14) = 25pts
Athlete 2 – Gymnastics
Athletes 3 – Barbell
20 Sit-ups = 2pts
1 Rope Climb = 5pts
8 Pull-ups = 5pts
15 Push-ups = 5pts
20 KBS = 10pts
30 Air Squats = 10pts
Deadlift (95/65) = 1pt
Power Clean (95/65) = 2pts
C&J/Snatch (95/65) = 3pts
Thruster (95/65) = 3pts
Box Brief:
We want to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving! We’re very thankful for each and every of you that make up this amazing community. May this day be spent with family and friends. We’ll see you on Monday!