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May 20th, 2015

5-4-3-2-1—Back Squat

**Score=Total Weight Moved

Memorial Day Plans:

This Saturday we will only have one class at 10 am and will be doing the workout  “Murph.”  We do this every year and always welcome all family and friends to join us. You can perform this workout as an individual, team or complete a modified version that we will have on the board. You are welcome to bring a 20# vest to wear during the workout.  Immediately afterwards we will have a BBQ/potluck, so bring a dish to share.

Next Monday, Memorial Day, our  6:30&7:30pm classes will be cancelled. All other classes and open gym will run as usual. 


May 19th, 2015

  • 1 Minute Burpees to a 6″ target
  • 1 Minute Pull-Ups
  • 2 Minute Burpees to a 6″ target
  • 1 Minute Pull-Ups
  • 3 Minute Burpees to a 6″ target
  • 1 Minute Pull-Ups



May 18th, 2015

There is no 5:15am class today…. Sorry for the short notice. I haven’t been on my phone all weekend. I’ll buy you Starbucks on Friday. Deal!?

8 Minute AMRAP:

  • Shoulder Press (115/75)

**Every time you drop the bar…. 50-Double Unders

Rest 4 minutes 

8 minute AMRAP: 

  • Hang power cleans (205/135)

**every time you drop bar….30 air squats 


Chad Cole qualifies for the 2015 CrossFit Games!!!!



May 15th, 2015

“Tommy V”

  • 21-Thrusters (115/75)
  • 12-Rope Climbs
  • 15-Thrusters 
  • 9-Rope Climbs
  • 9-Thrusters
  • 6-Rope Climbs


Schedule Alert!

Monday- Normal schedule

Tuesday- Normal schedule

Wednesday- Normal schedule

Thursday- 9:30 & 11:30am, 4:30 & 5:30pm… No Open Gym. 

Friday- 8:30 & 9:30am, 3:30 & 4:30 & 7:30pm… No Open Gym

Saturday- Normal schedule



May 14th, 2015

Build to a 1RM Snatch

Schedule Alert!

Monday- Normal schedule

Tuesday- Normal schedule

Wednesday- Normal schedule

Thursday- 9:30 & 11:30am, 4:30 & 5:30pm… No Open Gym. 

Friday- 8:30 & 9:30am, 3:30 & 4:30 & 7:30pm… No Open Gym

Saturday- Normal schedule


May 13th, 2015

For Time:

  • 1 Mile Run
  • 50-OHS (135/95)
  • 100-Weighted Sit Ups
  • 150-Double Unders
  • 50-SDLHP (135/95)
  • 100-Box Jump Overs (24/20)

Schedule Alert!

Monday- Normal schedule

Tuesday- Normal schedule

Wednesday- Normal schedule

Thursday- 9:30 & 11:30am, 4:30 & 5:30pm… No Open Gym. 

Friday- 8:30 & 9:30am, 3:30 & 4:30 & 7:30pm… No Open Gym

Saturday- Normal schedule


May 12th, 2015

5 Rounds: 

  • 25 Calorie Row/200 Meter Run
  • 16-C2B Pull Ups
  • 9-Strict HSPU

To watch the 60 Minute Special go to link: King of CrossFit

Schedule Alert!

Monday- Normal schedule

Tuesday- Normal schedule

Wednesday- Normal schedule

Thursday- 9:30 & 11:30am, 4:30 & 5:30pm… No Open Gym. 

Friday- 8:30 & 9:30am, 3:30 & 4:30 & 7:30pm… No Open Gym

Saturday- Normal schedule