21 Apr /0 Comments/Blog, WODS & NEWS 4-22-2013 April 22nd, 2013 A) 3-3-3-3-3-3-3—Bench Press B) (more…)
20 Apr /0 Comments/Blog, WODS & NEWS 4-21-2013 April 21st, 2013 Rest Day-Meal of the Week “Bacon (more…)
18 Apr /0 Comments/WODS & NEWS 4-19-2013 April 19th, 2013 A)15 Minutes to find 1RM Snatch B)15 (more…)
16 Apr /0 Comments/WODS & NEWS 4-17-2013 April 17th, 2013 A) Box Snatches B) 12 Minute AMRAP: 7-Hanging (more…)