

Thursday 7.15.2021

“Static Shock”3 Rounds: teams of 21500/1200 Meter Row70 Push-ups + Dip Hold100 Sit-ups + Side Plank Tomorrow’s Forecast:Front Squats – Muscle-ups Box Brief:Weightlifting clinic is...
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Monday 7.12.2021

“Slurpee”11 Rounds:7 Deadlifts (115/85)7 Push Press (115/85)7 Toes to BarTomorrow’s Forecast:Overhead Squat – Run Quote of the Week:“I destroy my enemies when I make them...
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Tuesday 7.6.2021

“Lat Syndrome”6 Rounds:2 Minute AMRAP:10 Toes to Bar200 Meter RunMax Toes to Bar2-minute rest Tomorrow’s Forecast:Row – Burpees – Snatch Question of the Week:Would you...
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Monday 7.5.2021

“Holleyman”30 Rounds:1 Power Clean (225/155)3 HSPU5 Wall Balls (20/14) Tomorrow’s Forecast:Toes to Bar – Run Quote of the Week:“What you do speaks so loudly that...
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Friday 7.2.2021

“Who’s That Lady”20 Minute AMRAP:4 Rounds:5 Strict Pull-ups10 Kettlebell Goblet Lunges (53/36)15 Sit-ups-then-90 Double Unders Recipe of the Week:Looking for something new for breakfast? Try...
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