

Thursday 8.26.2021

“Stand & Deliver”16 Minute AMRAP:10 Double Dumbbell Step-ups (50s/35s) (24/20)100 Meter Dumbbell Farmers Carry (50s/35s)200 Meter Run:30 Second L-Sit Tomorrow’s Forecast:Wall Ball – Box Jump...
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Wednesday 8.18.2021

“Excuse Me?!”40 Minute AMRAP:1000/800 Meter Row400 Meter Run200 Meter Double Kettlebell Front Rack Carry (53s/36s)40 Box Jumps (24/20)20 Handstand Push-ups Tomorrow’s Forecast:Double Under – L-Sit...
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Monday 8.16.2021

“Karen”For Time:150 Wall Balls (20/14) Tomorrow’s Forecast:Deadlift – Push-up – Pull-up Box Brief:Registration for the Apollo Games is live!! There is a sheet of paper...
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