

Wednesday 8.4.2021

“Quick Question”18 Minute AMRAP:30/23 Calorie Row20 Single KB Push Presses (53/36)30 Weighted Wall Ball Sit-ups (20/14) Tomorrow’s Forecast:Row – Run – GOAT Recovery of the...
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Monday 8.2.2021

Tall CleansHeavy Set of 3 “Put A Ring On It”10 Rounds:3 Muscle-ups6 Front Squats (165/105)36 Double Unders Tomorrow’s Forecast:Deadlifts – Push-ups – Pull-ups Quote of...
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Tuesday 7.27.2021

“Hot Air”5, 3 Minute AMRAP’s:20/15 Calorie Row16 Meter Kettlebell Lunge (53/36)3 Wall Climbs16 Meter Kettlebell Lunge3-minute rest Tomorrow’s Forecast:Clean – Run Question of the Week:Would...
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Monday 7.26.2021

“Open for Business”4 Rounds:75 Double Unders:45 Second L-Sit25 Kettlebell Swings (53/36)15 Burpees Tomorrow’s Forecast:Row – Lunge – Wall Climb Quote of the Week:“You’re not defined...
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